Denture Care Products

We have several products that support the ongoing care of your denture:


  • Outstanding product quality and professional strength performance
  • We are the manufacturer so quality and supply are consistent
  • Guaranteed to remove: Tobacco, Iron, Plaque, Coffee, Calcium, Calculus, Tea, Tartar and Bacteria (Money Back Guarantee)Renew Denture Cleaner
  • Proven in the marketplace for more than 29 years


  • Renew customers consistently enjoy an extremely high level of satisfaction, with the unbeatable cleaning might of Renew
  • First time Renew users can experience the power of Renew at no cost, with access to free samples from their local dental professional
  • Renew denture cleaner customers feel confident they’re receiving value for their purchase
  • Renew is considered one of the best denture cleaners in the world and is preferred over retail denture cleaners.

Click here for a free sample of Renew Denture Cleaner.



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Ultrasonic Denture Bath

denture bath

  • Uses ultrasonic waves to gently and effectively clean you dentures
  • High quality construction at an affordable price.
  • Use in conjunction with Renew to get outstanding cleaning results.
  • For use at home.






  • Soothes and protects dry oral tissues from minor irritations, itching and burning sensations
  • Provides up to 8 hours of comfort
  • Contains Biotène’s antibacterial enzymes to help neutralize odors and unpleasant taste.
  • Improves retention under denturesBiotene-Gel
  • Sugar-free, pleasant tasting gel formula









Multivitamin and Multi-mineral for Denture Wearers – Brand New Product!

Helps metabolize carbohydrates fats proteins and glucose, metabolize denture wearer, good health denture, good health denture wearer, metabolize Health Canada, denture wearer Health Canada, denturist metabolize Helps maintain teeth and gums, teeth and gums denture wearer, good health denture, good health denture wearer, teeth and gums Health Canada, denture wearer Health Canada, denturist teeth and gums Helps to maintain eyesight, eyesight denture wearer, good health denture, good health denture wearer, eyesight Health Canada, denture wearer Health Canada, denturist eyesight An antioxidant for the maintenance of good health, antioxidant denture wearer, good health denture, good health denture wearer, antioxidant Health Canada, denture wearer Health Canada, denturist antioxidant Helps to maintain immune function, immune function denture wearer, good health denture, good health denture wearer, immune function Health Canada, denture wearer Health Canada, denturist immune function


How OnePro Diet helps Denture Wearers

• Patient’s eating habits change when they get dentures for several reasons, including the initial break-in period, immediate dentures and an irrational fear of certain foods.

• Research was performed by the Human Nutrition Research Center of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Nutritional Status Study on denture wearers [ACM98].  It showed that denture wears have certain vitamin requirements that are different than those with natural teeth.

• Mid-Continental designed a special easy to swallow capsule multivitamin and multi-mineral formula based on this research that addresses the specific needs of denture wearers.

• Dosage can be adjusted as new denture wearers return to their normal eating habits as OnePro supports their dental and general health through the lifetime of their denture.

 Contact Us for a free sample of OnePro Diet today!Contact Us for a free sample of OnePro Diet today!

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